The Well-Being for All Webinar Series
A Shared Inquiry into Well-Being in Systems and Ourselves
Co-hosted by the Academy for Systems Change and CoCreative
Live Community Session:
8 Insights About Well-Being for All What It Is and What It Takes
December 10, 2024
9:00 - 10:15 am Pacific US
12:00 - 1:15 pm Eastern US
Join us for a special session as we explore the top insights from the "Well-being for All" conversation series.
Throughout the series, we've invited insightful friends and partners to share their stories, perspectives, and practices of well-being. We looked into the conditions supporting it and how we can transform systems and ourselves so everyone can thrive. From delving into self-awareness for collective benefit, the four realms of well-being, the discipline of spaciousness, liberatory change, the shadow side of well-being, and more, our journey has been rich and enlightening.
Whether you've been with us from the start or are new to the conversation, we welcome you to reflect on this journey and look ahead to how we can continue to nurture well-being in our lives and for all.
In this final session of 2024, we will:
Share the best/key insights from across the series - both the reminders of what matters and the “aha” discoveries that stretched our edges
Invite reflections and highlights from others about what’s most energizing and alive for them.
Experience a collective well-being practice to honorably close this session and our learning about well-being in 2024.
The 2024 Well-Being for All Series Sessions and Guest Hosts
Well-being in Complexity with Luzette Jaimes (Ashoka, CoCreative, Alive & Thriving, Healing Creek Farm) and Adam Molyneux-Berry (Founder - Integral Impact Institute, Co-founder - Mindfulness for Changemakers, CoCo Labs, Healing Creek Farm)
Reframing Equity as Liberatory Change with Lucinda Garthwaite, founder and Director of the nonprofit Institute for Liberatory Innovation
The Discipline of Spaciousness with Norma Wong, Zen Master, Abbot and Author
Las Dimensiones Escondidas del Bienestar con Ana Lucía Castaño Galvis, co-fundadora de ARARE and Paz Bascunan, fundadora de Ancla Latam / The Hidden Dimensions of Well-Being Ana Lucía Castaño Galvis, co-founder of ARARE and Paz Bascunan, initiative leader of Ancla Latam
Calling Forth the Light | Elevating our well-being in these emergent times with Deb Halliday, Principal of Halliday and Associates
Cultivating Self-Awareness for Collective Well-Being with Kerstin Tebbe, founder of Collective Mind