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The Well-Being for All Webinar Series 

A Shared Inquiry into Well-Being in Systems and Ourselves
Co-hosted by the Academy for Systems Change and CoCreative

8 Insights About Well-Being | What it is and what it takes


December 10, 2024

9:00 - 10:15 am Pacific US

12:00 - 1:15 pm Eastern US

Join our “Well-being in Complexity" community session to learn tools, practices and frameworks to more easily navigate our complex world.


In this interactive session we'll explore how the stories we have about the world shape how we see and respond to challenges, and how understanding this can help us shift our quality of life for the better.


We’ll be working together to understand how the nervous system is wired for safety and threat, and how we can work with it to develop the capacity to manage stress, deal with tough situations, and come back to a state of balance and possibility.

By the end of the webinar participants will:

  • examine wellbeing frameworks

  • assess our own wellbeing

  • look at ways we can enhance our wellbeing, together.


Luzette JaimesAshoka, CoCreative, Alive & Thriving, Healing Creek Farm

Marta Ceroni, Academy for Systems Change

Russ Gaskin, CoCreative

Maricela Aceves Wexler, CoCreative

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