Virtual Course:
Introduction to Collaborative Innovation
Hawaii ST: May 9, 16, & 18, 8:00 am - 11:00 am
Pacific US: May 9, 16, & 18, 11:00 am - 2:00 pm
Eastern US: May 9, 16, & 18, 2:00 pm - 5:00 pm
NZST: May 10, 17 & 19, 6:00 am - 9:00 am
Working on a vexing problem that requires collaboration across many stakeholders? It’s hard work, we get it. We’ve partnered with many leaders over the years–often experts in their issue areas–who face the challenge of equitably and meaningfully engaging diverse stakeholders to advance systemic change. Whether you are just launching a collaboration to address a systemic challenge, or you’re a couple of years deep into a collaboration that’s not functioning as well as you’d like, this course provides a structured, yet flexible approach supporting deep change.
In three, 3-hour sessions we’ll introduce the key elements of Collaborative Innovation, our approach to building powerful networks to design and advance systemic change.
This workshop is an interactive, engaging, and practical introduction focused on the “four agendas” engage whole people in changing complex systems:
Connecting: How to build trusting connections across the many boundaries among us and connect a powerful change system
Aligning: How to align around a clear and deeply shared intent for your work together
Learning: How to understand the larger system and the human experience within it
Making: How to develop and test concrete and strategic solutions and interventions and take them to scale
This workshop will support you to:
Identify the critical elements of successful multi-stakeholder collaborations fueled by real alignment, engagement, and momentum
Convene diverse networks more confidently across organizational, sectoral, cultural, and political boundaries
Experience a more interactive and engaging approach to collaboration that meaningfully engages whole people
You will leave this workshop with increased competence in:
Working more confidently at the highest levels of stakeholder engagement: Collaboration and Co-creation;
Advancing the Four Agendas in Collaborative Innovation: Aligning, Connecting, Learning, and Making;
Aligning diverse interests around a powerful shared intent;
Helping stakeholders develop both a systemic understanding of the challenge and an empathetic view into the human experience within that system; and
Developing a powerful set of ideas, building them into working prototypes and testing them in the real world
Best suited for: changemakers, leaders, facilitators, collective impact backbone staff, social innovators, community leaders, consultants, engaged citizens, and everyone working on vexing problems that can only be addressed using a collaborative approach.
Session inputs: None required
Registration cost: $475 USD per person.
Registration includes digital copies of all course materials and resources.
Course length: Three, 3-hour virtual sessions
Trainers: Issac Carter, Russ Gaskin, Luzette Jaimes
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