If you've found this page, it's probably because you've participated in a collaborative strategy process or innovation network that we support, or you've joined one of our training courses. We openly share all of the tools and resources we develop, but this secret page contains some stuff that we don't publish publicly, such as our training manuals because we're constantly improving those and we don't want old versions being passed around the Internet.
You're free to use and share what's here with friends and colleagues if you wish, as long as you don't modify the contents, respect the original references and licenses where applicable, and attribute our materials to us.
NEW! Four Elements of Collaborative Leadership
Ever heard of "use of self"? It's the idea that we can use ourselves as powerful instruments of change in service of a greater good. But what is effective use of self and how do we develop it? This resource identifies and gives insights into what we see as four key elements.
Adoption of Innovation Model (expanded version)
Based on the pioneering research of Everett Rogers on how innovations spread throughout social networks, this model is helpful for identifying which stakeholders to engage in spreading social innovations too. Our version of the model identifies the unique roles of various groups in developing, translating, and scaling social innovations. (This secret, expanded version explores how the 5 segments orient toward the future and systems change.)
6 Patterns in Collaborative Innovation
While collaboration can be emergent and messy, certain patterns do tend to show up in the work. Seeing and effectively leveraging these patterns makes any collaboration more effective and resilient. Here are 6 key patterns you can harness and shape to help any collaboration work better. We hope these patterns help you think about how to lead your own collaborations more effectively.
4 Agendas in Collaborative Innovation
When designing any collaboration, there are really four agendas in play (besides any hidden agendas!). Based on the phases of the Collaborative Innovation Roadmap, this tool helps leaders think through the optimal mix of those four agendas to help the group Connect, Align, Learn, and Make what they need to advance effective systems change.
Manual: Collaborative Innovation Essentials
The manual for our core course that helps people design and lead multi-stakeholder collaborations fueled by real alignment, engagement, and momentum; lead more confidently through the fear and uncertainty of leading complex change across ideological and cultural boundaries; help groups navigate the confusion and polarization that shows up when engaging diverse constituents.
Manual: Collaborative Leadership Essentials
The manual for our course that helps people combine the best of leadership and collaboration to lead change more powerfully, lead more effectively through confusion and avoid conversations that run in circles, and set and work with others from a clear shared intent.
Manual: Leveraging Conflict for Innovation
The manual for our course that helps people build genuine trust and collaboration among people who must work together but often don’t even like each other, transcend conflict and help others see and value the wisdom in "conflicting" perspectives, and anticipate and get ahead of conflicts and limited solutions by seeing more of the whole picture.
Helpful Network Narratives
The stories we tell about a network's work has a huge impact on people’s confidence in success. This resource introduces both Micro-Narratives (the small ways that we frame and shape the dialog in our daily interactions) and Meta-Narratives (the overall story about our work that frames both the struggle and the opportunity before us), along with an exercise for designing network narratives.
Embracing Failures in System Change
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Many Mini-Lectures
We use the 15-minute mini-lecture format in both our training courses and network meetings to help people quickly learn key tasks in Collaborative Innovation. Here are some of our most popular mini-lectures in PowerPoint format: