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Join our 90-minute introductions to the essentials of Collaborative Innovation. Come away with free tools and ideas.
Our fast-paced introduction to tools and methods relating to Collaborative Innovation is a no-lose proposition. First, you can't beat the price because it's absolutely 100% free and you'll take away new tools and ideas that you can start using right away.
Webinar: 5 Key Design Principles for a New Normal from the Work of Donella Meadows
June 30, 2020
11:00 am - 12:30pm PDT
2:00 pm - 3:30 pm EDT
Presented in partnership with Marta Ceroni from The Donella Meadows Project at the Academy for Systems Change.
At a time so deeply painful for many, what design principles might we draw from to shape a positive new normal? We’ll explore some of the practical ideas that made Donella so beloved by people interested in making a world that works for all.
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