To do list for site:
If people download free stuff, can we ask them to register and tell us who they are?
Eventually cycle through new images on the home page that relate to our current work at any given point
What We Believe - Lay this out to emphasize key point. What does this mean for CoCreative. And good point. Second column should be about CoCreative - what we do. Rationale is Why. Another blue label called - Another blue label called - listening to all voices
Work in the double diamond thing. (I embedded the Prezi onto this page, and maybe we can make a more simple Prezi:
Check out ad vouchers, which also came free with paid site.
Finish setting up SEO stuff (name, description, keywords, etc.) on all the pages.
Page transitions - right to left transitions on all dropdown pages (not diagonal)
Collaborative Strategy infogrpaphic
Collaborative Leadership Development page and infographic
Better app for presenting the docs in Tools? (Blog?)
Wix 404 error page