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Join our 90-minute webinars devoted to exploring diverse experiences, perspectives, and narratives in systems change.

Webinar: Enhancing Aliveness for Individual and Systems Transformation

May 4, 2023
8:00 am - 9:30 am Pacific US
11:00 am - 12:30 pm Eastern US

4:00 pm - 5:30 pm WET

Fostering patterns of aliveness in ourselves, our teams, our organizations, and our stakeholder systems is essential for bringing about transformative change.

Applying the Collective Leadership Compass can help us become more aware of, navigate, and enhance these patterns for co-creating results-oriented cultures of dialogue and collaboration. Entry points for enhancing aliveness vary from person to person and from stakeholder system to stakeholder system, and evolve throughout a complex change process.

Questions like “What makes me feel alive?” “What makes my team and partners feel alive?” and “What is needed now in our process to continue to enhance aliveness toward our shared vision?” can be answered with reference to Compass dimension patterns of Future Possibilities, Engagement, Innovation, Humanity, Collective Intelligence, and Wholeness.

This interactive webinar will explore patterns of aliveness at the individual and systems levels.

By the end of the webinar participants will:

  • Explore the concept of “aliveness” within ourselves and our collaborations

  • Learn about a real-time example of applying a collective leadership approach to helping enliven “Our Blue Future,” an emerging transformation network spanning 10 Western Indian Ocean countries

  • Discuss ways in which the Collective Leadership Compass can help further enhance patterns of aliveness from the individual to systems levels

**There is no fee to participate in this special event. We invite you to make a donation to benefit the work of Multicultural BRIDGE, a women and minority-led grassroots nonprofit based in Western Massachusetts that is dedicated to advancing equity and justice by promoting cultural competence, positive psychology, and mutual understanding and acceptance.

Welcoming Guest Co-Host Dominic Stucker


​​Dominic is an action-oriented collaborator who convenes diverse teams to collectively lead sustainability transformations. With over 20 years’ experience as a dialogic facilitator and process steward, he is specialised in consensus building, visioning, process architecture design, governance structures, and monitoring and evaluating for delivering on the Sustainable Development Goals. As Managing Partner with the Collective Leadership Institute, Dominic has helped enliven numerous collaboration ecosystems, e.g. for social cohesion in Sri Lanka; technical education in Egypt; and water security in Zambia. Partners have included the Asian Development Bank, European Union, Gesellschaft fuer internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ), International Union for the Conservation of Nature, International Water Management Institute, Oxfam America, United Nations Children's Fund, United Nations Environment Program, United Nations Development Program, United States Agency for International Development, and World Wildlife Fund.


Dominic is a Donella Meadows Leadership Fellow and holds advanced degrees in Environmental Security and Governance from the UN-mandated University for Peace, in Education from Brown University, and in Comparative Literature from Stanford University. He is trained in cultural competence, appreciative inquiry, systems thinking, visioning, and monitoring and evaluation. Dominic has published with Routledge, MIT Press, and academic journals, including this recently co-authored book: Leading Transformative Change Collectively: A Practitioner Guide to Realizing the SDGs.


Dominic was born in Germany and has lived in a dozen countries in North America, Latin America, Europe, and Asia. He currently lives on the Spanish Canary Island of La Palma with his wife and twin teenage sons.

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